To apply, email your CV to and write why you are interested in this job.
Glavne odgovornosti:
Načrtovanje vezij
Izračunavanje izhodnih karakteristik in analiziranje rezultatov
Izvajanje meritev
Programiranje krmilnikov in mikrokontrolerjev
Vodenje evidenc in pripravljanje poročil
Opravljanje drugih del v okviru strokovne usposobljenosti
Ključne kvalifikacije:
VI./1 stopnjo izobrazbe ali pogojno V. stopnjo izobrazbe – smer elektrotehnika
Izvajanje električnih in funkcijskih meritev
Poznavanje programskega okolja Altium
Poznavanje programskega jezika C oz. C++,
Izkušnje na področju mehanske montaže in demontaže
zaželene izkušnje z Linux operacijskimi sistemi na področju vgrajenih sistemov (Embedded Linux …)
zaželeno poznavanje tudi drugih višje nivojskih programskih jezikov (C#, Python …)
Aktivno znanje angleškega jezika -
Samoiniciativnost in natančnost
Aktivno znanje programskega paketa MS Office
Glavne odgovornosti:
priprava materialov za polagalno linijo
priprava procesa za delo na liniji
operatersko delo na SMT liniji
AOI kontrola izdelkov
Ključne kvalifikacije:
poznavanje elektronskih komponent
vsaj 2 leti delovnih izkušenj s področja elektrotehnike ali upravljanja s stroji
srednjo ali višješolsko izobrazbo elektrotehnične smeri oz. sorodne tehnične smeri
dobro znanje angleškega jezika
natančnost in odgovornost do dela
ročne spretnosti
komunikativnost in samoiniciativnost
sposobnost timskega dela
računalniško pismenost
Glavne odgovornosti:
Vodenje glavne knjige in priprava računovodskih izkazov za podjetje SMT d.o.o.
Zagotoviti skladnost s standardi MSRP
Pripraviti mesečna, četrtletna in letna finančna poročila
Pomagati pri pripravi proračuna in finančnega načrta
Upravljati funkcijo plačilnih računov in terjatev
Pomagati pri letnem postopku revizije
zagotoviti računovodske storitve za več podjetij
Priprava balance stanja in izkaza poslovnega izida ter drugih obrazcov
Ključne kvalifikacije:
Diploma iz računovodstva ali financ
5+ let izkušenj v računovodstvu
Tekoče znanje slovenskega jezika in dobro razumevanje angleškega jezika
Dobro poznavanje računovodskih standardov MSRP
Odlične komunikacijske sposobnosti
Izkušnje s Slovenskim poslovnim informacijskim sistemom (PIS)
Sposobnost samostojnega in timskega dela
Glavne odgovornosti:
delo z različnim ročnim in majhnim električnim (brusilka, ročna vrtalka,…) orodjem,
vrtanje, rezanje in oblikovanje zahtevnejših polizdelkov in sklopov,
sestavljanje, postavljanje in varjenje ogrodij in drugih kovinskih delov,
robkanje, čiščenje in končna obdelava kovinskih polizdelkov in sklopov,
razumevanje tehnične dokumentacije, skrb za opremo ter delovno okolje.
Ključne kvalifikacije:
zaželene izkušnje na podobnem delovnem mestu oz. z delom v proizvodnji,
samoiniciativnost, motiviranost, fleksibilnost,
sposobnost za timsko delo in pozitiven odnos do sodelavcev,
odgovornost do dela ter motivacija za izboljšave na delu,
srednja poklicna izobrazba tehnične smeri urejen prevoz.
Main Responsibilities:
Soldering and inspection of electronic components
Stacking packaging and various work in production
Work on the line
Other work and tasks according to the instructions of a superior person
Key Qualifications:-
Organization, accuracy, reliability and work persistence
Responsible attitude to work
Desired experience on similar jobs
SMT Offers:-
Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
Work in a successful and cohesive team
Stimulating pay
Opportunities for personal and professional development
Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employment
Main Responsibilities:
Carrying out work on the machine for selective soldering in accordance with IPC standards
Preparation of the process for working on the machine and programming the machine
Help with machine and equipment maintenance
Keeping records of appropriate and inappropriate products
Caring for an orderly working environment
Manual soldering - repairing contacts
Performing other tasks as directed
Key Qualifications:-
Completed secondary education
Experience in a similar position is desirable
Manual skills
Soldering skills preferred
Ability to work in a fast-paced work environment
Ability to visually inspect small objects
Excellent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills
Strong attention to detail
The ability to work in a team
SMT Offers:-
Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
Work in a successful and cohesive team
Stimulating pay
Opportunities for personal and professional development
Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employment
Main Responsibilities:
- Circuit design
- Calculating output characteristics and analyzing results
- Performing measurements
- Programming controllers and microcontrollers
- Keeping records and preparing reports
- Performing other tasks within professional competence
Key Qualifications:
- Education level VI./1 or conditionally level V. in electrical engineering
- Performing electrical and functional measurements
- Knowledge of Altium software environment
- Knowledge of C or C++ programming languages
- Experience in mechanical assembly and disassembly
- Desired experience with Linux operating systems in the field of embedded systems (Embedded Linux, etc.)
- Preferably also knowledge of other high-level programming languages (C#, Python, etc.)
- Active knowledge of the English language
- Self-initiative and precision
- Active knowledge of MS Office software package
SMT Offers:
- Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
- Work in a successful and cohesive team
- Competitive pay
- Opportunities for personal and professional development
- Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employmentMain Responsibilities:
Preparing materials for the placement line
Preparing the process for work on the line
Operator work on the SMT line
AOI inspection of products
Key Qualifications:
Knowledge of electronic components
At least 2 years of work experience in the field of electrical engineering or machine operation
Secondary or higher education in electrical engineering or a related technical field
Good knowledge of the English language
Precision and responsibility towards work
Manual dexterity
Communication skills and self-initiative
Ability to work in a team
Computer literacy
SMT Offers:
Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
Work in a successful and cohesive team
Stimulating pay
Opportunities for personal and professional development
Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employment
Main Responsibilities:
Managing the general ledger and preparing financial statements for the company SMT d.o.o.
Ensuring compliance with IFRS standards
Preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports
Assisting in budget and financial planning
Managing accounts payable and receivable functions
Assisting in the annual audit process
Providing accounting services for multiple companies
Preparing balance sheets and income statements as well as other financial forms
Key Qualifications:
Degree in Accounting or Finance
5+ years of experience in accounting
Fluent in Slovenian and good understanding of English
Strong knowledge of IFRS accounting standards
Excellent communication skills
Experience with the Slovenian business information system (PIS)
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
SMT Offers:
Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
Work in a successful and cohesive team
Stimulating pay
Opportunities for personal and professional development
Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employment
Main Responsibilities:
Working with various hand tools and small power tools (e.g., grinder, hand drill, etc.)
Drilling, cutting, and shaping more complex semi-finished products and assemblies
Assembling, erecting, and welding frames and other metal parts
Edging, cleaning, and finishing metal semi-finished products and assemblies
Understanding technical documentation, maintaining equipment, and ensuring a clean work environment
Key Qualifications:
Preferred experience in a similar position or in production work
Self-initiative, motivation, and flexibility
Ability to work as part of a team and maintain a positive attitude towards colleagues
Responsibility towards work and motivation for improvements on the job
Secondary vocational education in a technical field
Reliable transportation
SMT Offers:
Work in a technologically advanced, organized, and growing company operating in international markets
Work in a successful and cohesive team
Stimulating pay
Opportunities for personal and professional development
Fixed-term employment with a 3-month probation period, with the possibility of permanent employment